Everstrong is confident that by identifying promising projects and pairing them with adequate and sustainable funding, we can deliver strong returns while providing the tools that enable social and economic growth.
Usahihi Nairobi Mombasa Expressway
We call this the “wealth corridor”. It is an opportunity for the citizens of Kenya to experience economic freedom. It opens up tremendous opportunity for the people along that corridor, by having a safe route from Nairobi to Mombasa going from 8 hours to 4 1/2 hours.

Everstrong EV Africa
Everstrong EV Africa (“EEVA”) is an independent company developing and investing in electric vehicle verticals in Kenya and across sub-Saharan Africa. Our focus is on electric motorcycle and bus manufacturing, charging, finance and operation.
E-mobility presents significant economic opportunities and environmental benefits for Africa, and the transition is already gaining traction in certain parts of the continent.*
Our vision is to invest in safe, affordable, dependable and predictable individual and public transport for the lowest income earners in Africa, and to positively impact individuals and communities by investing in the migration from internal combustion engines to electric bodabodas and buses.
*SOURCE: Shell Foundation – Financing the transition to electric vehicles in sub-Sharan Africa (January 2022)